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    Students successfully completing this course should have the knowledge to work on combustion-related pollution
    problems such as estimating the actual and potential air pollution emissions from combustion sources; reviewing
    applications for permits to construct combustion facilities; and developing recommendations to improve the
    performance of malfunctioning combustion equipment.
    Who Should Attend
    This course is a basic course that is designed for individuals within a regulatory agency whose role is to evaluate
    combustion sources for permitting and to determine the ongoing compliance status of such emission sources. This
    class is intended for new permit and compliance engineers and scientists who are responsible for permitting and
    compliance activities.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the different types of combustion sources and the
    operating characteristics of each source. Attendees will be able to apply the following combustion elements in a
    regulatory evaluation:
    • Combustion sources burning liquid and solid wastes
    • Combustion sources burning fossil fuel
    • Combustion engines (diesel engines, gas turbines, etc.)
    • Combustion principles
    • Design and operational parameters
    • Selected fundamental calculations
    • Pollution control devices
    Engineering/scientific degree or successful completion of course SI:100 – Mathematics Review for Air Pollution
    Control, or six months of equivalent course/work experience.
    Class Capacity