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    This course presents introductory information on the SIP and national programs in air pollution stationary source
    permitting. This course was designed to provide hands-on training in the methods and procedures used to effectively draft and review permit conditions used with a variety of permit programs. Examples of the various types of permit conditions are presented along with practical exercises.
    Who Should Attend
    This introductory permit writing course is designed for entry level personnel at state and local permitting agencies,
    managers of programs which are impacted by permits, and inspectors who must read and interpret permit conditions. This class is intended for new permit and compliance engineers and scientists who are responsible for permitting and compliance activities.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the information that is expected for a complete air
    quality permit application as well as basic approaches for developing an effective permit for industry and the
    regulatory agency. Attendees will be able to identify the following critical features of establishing an effective
    • Identification of the components required in a complete permit application evaluation,
    • Explanation of the functions and purposes of each component of a complete permit application,
    • Description of the characteristics of an effective permit, and
    • Explanation of the process and approaches that can be used to assure an effective permit is produced.
    Engineering/scientific degree or successful completion of Course RE:100 – Basic Concepts in Environmental
    Sciences (7 modules), and 6 months of general air pollution experience, or equivalent courses/experience.
    Location Address

    12400 North IH-35Building C
    78753 TX
    United States

    Map Address
    Class Capacity