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    This course will provide students with an intermediate-level knowledge of permitting so that they will be able to
    work in permit review or in the preparation of permit applications with some supervision for synthetic minor sources and major sources as defined in the federal New Source review Programs and the Title V program. Case studies will provide practical experience. Permitting requirements will be discussed in detail.
    Who Should Attend
    This intermediate permit writing course is designed for personnel of state and local permitting agencies who are new to reviewing permit applications for facilities that are deemed to be major sources under the federal New Source Review programs and the Title V program. This class is intended for permit engineers and scientists who are
    responsible for permitting major source activities.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the information associated with permitting emission sources under the federal Major New Source Review programs and the Title V program. Permitting approaches to avoid applicability to these programs will also be addressed. Attendees will be able to apply the following topics in a major source permit review:
    • NSR/PSD requirements
    • Operating permit requirements
    • Permit drafting and analysis
    • Source monitoring
    • Compliance and enforcement
    • Alternative approaches
    • Record keeping and resources
    Students should have a college-level degree in engineering or the sciences and have successfully completed Course 460 – Introduction to Permits and Course 454 – Effective Permit Writing. Alternatively, students should have at least six months experience in air pollution control and exhibit a knowledge of permitting activities listed in the
    learning objectives, or equivalent courses/experience.
    Location Address

    12100 Park 35 CircleBuilding A - Room 202
    78753 TX
    United States

    Map Address
    Class Capacity