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    With an increase in demand of the electric utility industry, stationary gas turbines have become more popular in
    recent years as combined-cycles, peaking power plants and cogeneration facilities. The course discusses uses of gas
    turbines, fundamentals of operation of modern turbines with emphasis on state-of-the-art controls to achieve some of the lowest emission concentrations for this source category. The course also discusses combined cycles with HRSG units, steam turbines and power generation. This is followed by a detailed discussion on emissions and control techniques such as Dry Low-NOx combustors with staged combustion, water or steam injection followed by SCR and CO catalysts. Applicable federal and local BACT regulations, permitting requirements, and agency inspection procedures and safety concerns are thoroughly discussed. SITE VISIT RECOMMENDED.
    Who Should Attend
    This course is intended for new, entry-level as well as semi-experienced stationary source permit engineers,
    inspectors, regulatory agency staff, and environmental specialists in business and government. The course is
    designed to provide an overview of Stationary Gas Turbines.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the general information associated with stationary
    gas turbines plants. Attendees will be able to perform regulatory reviews involving the following elements of
    stationary gas turbines:
    • Gas turbine history, theory of operation
    • Gas turbine uses
    • Air pollution control devices
    • Gas turbine regulations
    • Typical permit conditions
    • Inspection procedures
    • Continuous emission monitoring
    • Source testing requirements
    NACT 101 – Uniform Air Quality Training Program (UAQTP), or equivalent courses/work
    Location Address

    2400 Troost Avenue
    64108 MO
    United States

    Map Address
    Class Capacity