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    This course presents fundamental procedures for the inspection, problem diagnosis and compliance evaluation of gas control devices and significant industrial processes. Site-specific information is used to identify shifts in operating variables that indicate a potential for increased emissions. The baseline inspection approach is reviewed. Operating principles and inspection techniques for gas control devices (adsorbers, oxidizers and condensers) and specific control applications (flue gas desulfurization and nitrogen oxide control systems) are presented. Process descriptions and inspection issues are also discussed for fossil fuel fired boilers, waste incinerators, iron and steel processes, and asphalt plants. Written and video case studies are used to reinforce the material.
    Who Should Attend
    This course is specifically designed for field inspectors who have the initial responsibility to evaluate and determine the compliance status for gaseous emission sources with control devices. This class is intended for compliance engineers, scientists and technicians who are responsible for inspection of control devices at particulate emission sources.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the information associated with inspecting gaseous
    emission control systems. Attendees will be able to evaluate the following equipment in a regulatory inspection:
    • Baseline inspection techniques
    • Adsorbers
    • Thermal and catalytic oxidizers
    • Condensers
    • Nitrogen oxides control systems
    • Sulfur oxides control systems
    • Utility and industrial boilers
    • Municipal and medical waste incinerators
    • Iron and steel processes
    • Asphalt plants
    Engineering/scientific degree or successful completion of SI:422 – Air Pollution Control Orientation Course, or
    equivalent courses/work experience.
    Location Address

    602 North Fifth Street
    70802 LA
    United States

    Map Address
    Classroom Hours
    Class Capacity