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    This course provides an overview of regulatory compliance assessment and enforcement tools that may be employed by the air quality agency. Proper procedures are covered for investigating an air pollution complaint, conducting an inspection, gathering evidence of an emission violation, and presenting that evidence effectively in formal hearings or court sessions. Case studies are provided to illustrate the concepts discussed.
    Who Should Attend
    This course is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of state compliance assessment requirements for air emission sources. This class is intended for air quality professionals whose role is to determine permitting and regulatory compliance status and those involved with regulatory enforcement actions.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will have an understanding of the compliance assessment practices that are employed for evaluating air emission sources. The individual will gain an understanding of the following inspector tasks:
    • Violation documentation and evidence gathering
    • Role of the field inspector
    • Enforcement process
    • Complaints handling and odor investigations
    • Inspection of air pollution sources
    Satisfactory completion of SI:422 – Air Pollution Control Orientation Course, or six months of equivalent work
    experience. Recommended courses include APTI 452 – Principles & Practices of Air Pollution.
    Location Address

    United States

    Classroom Hours
    Class Capacity