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    This course presents fundamental information on NOx emissions from combustion sources such as industrial and
    utility boilers. The goal of this course is to present information that will help environmental professionals address
    present and future NOx control issues. The course introduces a broad range of control technology topics and
    identifies some of the sources for obtaining further information on these topics. In addition, the manual that
    accompanies the course contains a bibliography of technical articles and publications on all control technologies
    addressed in this manual. This manual also lists web sites that are useful in obtaining additional information related to the control of Nox emissions from combustion sources.
    Who Should Attend
    This course was designed to address the needs of tribal, state, and local air toxics personnel involved in the
    permitting and compliance assessment of existing regulatory requirements as well as those personnel involved in the development of Nox control programs. This class is intended for new permit and compliance engineers and
    scientists who are responsible for permitting, compliance, and SIP planning activities.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain an understanding of the mechanisms by which nitrogen oxide (NOx)is formed in the combustion process as well as sources of NOx emissions and the history related to regulating NOx emissions from these sources. Attendees will be able to perform regulatory reviews involving the types, applicability, capability, and limitations of available control techniques to suppress the formation of NOx emissions or to minimize Nox emissions.
    Engineering/scientific degree or successful completion of Course RE:100 – Basic Concepts in Environmental
    Sciences (7 modules), and six months of equivalent course/work experience.
    Location Address

    55103 MN
    United States

    Map Address
    Class Capacity