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    This course provides an introduction to the concepts and theories of risk, decisionmaking, negotiation, public relations, and dispute resolution.

    Course Goals:
    1. Understand a science-based approach for communicating effectively in high concern, low trust, sensitive, or controversial situations, aka, risk communications.
    2. Strengthen skills to convey our messages for the media and public, Mastering the Message.
    Who Should Attend
    Anyone interacting with the public.
    Leaning Objectives
    By the end of the class, the participant will:
    • Understand the theoretical components of risk communications.
    • Analyze concepts and theories of risk and risk management.
    • Effectively communicate competence as a reflection of self and the agency.
    • Evaluate the processes of decision-making.
    • Identify factors that promote the perception of risk.
    • Evaluate individual perception as a relationship to individual reality.
    • Learn basic rules and tips for dealing with the media and public audiences.
    • Practice answering tough from the media and a concerned community.
    • Participate in a one-on-one mock interview with emphasis on Air Quality.
    • . Evaluate one’s ability to handle risk communications, public and media relations.
    There are no prerequisites for this course.
    Location Address

    United States

    Classroom Hours
    Class Capacity