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    This course will help the inspector understand the fundamentals of electrostatic precipitator operation for fine
    particulate or aerosols and the likely defects or operator oversights. Topics include: theory and design, cleaning
    cycles, operation and maintenance and inspection techniques. SITE VISIT RECOMMENDED.
    Who Should Attend
    This course is intended for new, entry-level as well as semi-experienced stationary source permit engineers,
    inspectors, regulatory agency staff, and environmental specialists in business and government. The course is
    designed to provide an overview of ESPs (control devices).
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the general information associated with electrostatic precipitators operations. Attendees will be able to:
    • List the major industrial applications for ESPs.
    • Explain the theory of operation of ESPs, using appropriate terminology
    • Describe the major types/categories of ESPs.
    • List the main things to consider in designing an ESP.
    • List the major components of a typical ESP and explain the functions of these components.
    • Be aware of how ESP performance can be monitored by operators.
    • Explain in detail how to conduct an inspection of an ESP.
    NACT 101 – Uniform Air Quality Training Program (UAQTP), or equivalent courses/work experience.
    Location Address

    United States

    Classroom Hours
    Other Files
    Class Capacity