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    This course is designed to provide students with the necessary background to understand the provisions and
    programs regarding Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) as outlined in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of
    1990. Students taking the course should be presently involved with (or should anticipate becoming involved with)
    HAPs, sources, effects, and control. Because the course is multi-disciplinary, people from diverse academic
    backgrounds should be able to understand and use the information presented. The following topics will be covered:
    • History of air pollution control and regulation
    • MACT standards
    • Overview of Title III Clean Air Act Amendments 1990
    • Other regulatory programs
    • HAPs
    • Risk Assessment and Management
    Who Should Attend
    This introductory course is specifically designed for regulatory personnel who have the responsibility to evaluate
    and determine emissions and compliance status for Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) emission sources. This class is
    intended for engineers, scientists and technicians who are responsible for evaluation of HAP emission sources.
    Leaning Objectives
    Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the information associated with HAP emission
    sources that may be regulated under Title I, Part A, of the Clean Air Act. Attendees will be able to conduct reviews
    of HAP sources to determine applicable regulatory requirements.
    Successful completion of APTI course SI:422 – Air Pollution Control Orientation Course, or equivalent
    Location Address

    United States

    Classroom Hours
    Other Files
    Class Capacity